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学术讲座《Can one hear the shape of a graph?》

发布日期:2023-04-03 浏览数:







    报告题目:Can one hear the shape of a graph?  


    内容摘要:In 1966, Kac asked a famous question: Can on hear the shape of a drum? That is, whether two drums made up of the same material but different shape can produce the same sound. We consider an analogue of Kac’s question in graph theory – Can one hear the shape of a graph? This has long been a fundamental unsolved question in spectral graph theory, which has received considerable attention in recent years. The problem originates from chemistry more than 60 years ago, and is closely related to many other problems of central interest such as the graph isomorphism problem.  In this talk, I shall report some recent progress on this topic.

    报告人简介: 王卫,西安交通大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师。1991年于浙江大学应用数学专业获理学学士学位,分别于1994年及2006年于西安交通大学获理学硕士及博士学位。主要研究领域为代数图论与组合最优化。在图谱理论的研究中对图的广义谱刻画问题做出了一些原创性的工作,在组合优化领域中对一些NP-困难组合优化问题设计出了一些好的近似算法。在J. Combin. Theory, Ser B, European J. Combin. 以及IEEE/ACM Transactions系列等国际顶级刊物上发表研究论文80余篇,主持(完成)国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。目前担任中国运筹学会图论与组合分会理事、陕西省工业与应用数学学会理事长及国际刊物“Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (DMAA)”编委等。