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发布日期:2018-06-26 浏览数:



                          华体会电竞 陈伟伯





































Enhance the international vision and forge Chinese feelings

- summary of the third short - term study in Cambridge

Chen Weibo, school of computer science and technology

It is a great honor for me to attend the third phase of our school study tour in Cambridge. Under the strong support of the school leaders, under the meticulous organization of the organizer, we successfully completed the learning task of this project on the basis of active cooperation between colleagues and students. There are many thoughts and feelings to share with you.

1Never forget the beginner's mind.

Why should this project be organized and what is the purpose and significance of participating in the project? This is the first thing we need to make clear and to keep in mind and summarize after taking part in the neutralization of the activities:learn from the advanced technologies in the West in order to resist the invasion of the Western powers,.Studying abroad is to make recollection, learning is to learn the pattern and the eye, the short term exchange of learning is the same.This is from the national and personal level. I think the school is held in the project is to promote the internationalization of our school, strengthen exchanges and cooperation; in terms of teachers to develop students' international vision, cultivate international talents; for students is to enhance the international vision, cast Chinese feelings, and actively adapt to the new requirements for talents in the new era.

2. Keep the mission in mind and play a leading role.

I am one of the beneficiaries of the project, but it is not as if some of us imagine that our teachers are traveling with a group. The 24 unfamiliar teachers and students team is not easy to bring up. It's a process of loosening the heart and tightening the tension at all times.

In the process of promoting the project, we summarized the use of "image and mathematical" student education and management mode. Although there are some twists and turns in the activity process, the whole process abroad is relatively smooth. Although in the activities of individual teachers and students get sick, but soon recovered; although some students put their valuables and not too expensive things lost, but quickly recovered; although some students because of subjective or objective reasons for being late, but never affect the whole process of activities; despite this or that opinions and views some of the students on the arrangements, but ultimately can take into account the overall situation, seriously in every aspect, to the individual.

3. Experience foreign life and make international comparisons.

Life in the UK is still a bit different from home, and I talk about my personal feelings in terms of food and clothing and shopping.

The dress style of Britain is not much different from China, but the price is cheap. But under the same temperatures, the peoples wearing is quite different,some wear a cotton padded jacket, some wear clothes, also there have some wear short sleeved when others wearing a jacket and skirt light leg. The prize of clothes and shoes are really cheap , especially children, many children for only one or two pounds.

It feels good to be full. British people have a simple meal. They don't want to spend a lot of time eating. For half a month in England, we had a cup of milk and coffee, a plate of milk and chips as breakfast.The dinner was basically the same. I did not have enough salt and sugar to eat and that made me always feel hungry.They said that the nutrition and calories were enough and healthy. I had to take a chocolate bar every day. So it's very necessary to bring some food like old dry mom. It's expensive to eat out, usually at about 10 pounds for a meal in a restaurant, and 6 or 7 pounds for anything on the side of the road.

The first week's lunch was to eat self-help at the Cambridge language studio, and most of the organizers arranged for us to eat Chinese food for the most part of the second week. The buffet in Britain is different from that in China. It's not how much you want to eat, what you want to eat, but what you can eat only in a region.It is difficult for me to accept that the buffy does not include hot drink, once I don't know which things are not free and fit a cup, the waiter came, I said I was about to get money to pay for the results, I turned around, she throw away the drink. It iassociated with the British capitalists in eighteenth Century to pour milk into the river.

The tranquil and simple living environment. Ratherto saythe University of Cambridge is located in Cambridge, it is better to say that Cambridge is famousbecause ofCambridge University. Every place in this city in Cambridge serves the University of Cambridge, and many places are directly subordinate to the University of Cambridge. Here is an exquisite scenery, moist air, quiet and peaceful, pleasant everywhere. Here people live in harmony with animals, and on large meadows, dove, swans, squirrels, ducks, mandarin ducks, hare, deer and foxes everywhere can be seen.

The houses here are small, with few new homes, and the average age is 127 years. Our boarding British families in every room has a clock, appear the British people's concept of time is very strong, and the clocks were not the same, is about the colorful artistic breath. The room was small, but there was nothing lacking. Everything from the inside to the outside is very delicate and artistic, which is worth cherishing and preserving.

Living environment of Cambridge isreally great, andwhenasked abouttheimpression of China,thehost family menGreysaid China's crowded, very crowded, and he made a hug before after foot may be dipped with subway crowded with exaggerated movements. Consider the reason for this is because China's large population, under the dual structure in the process of urbanization, a large number of farmers into the city, the city traffic, such as housing, school, medical treatment, in the end China's current congestion is caused by inadequate development imbalance. This is also the main contradiction we are trying to solve.

"Personal property is sacred and inviolable", this time abroad to have a deeper understanding of this sentence, two things let me remember especially deep. One thing, on February 5th, two girls said that they had lost their belongings in the homestay family. After two days, their belongings were found again, and the analysis was caused by carelessness. One other thing, February 7, we set to the British museum, there is a classmate of mobile phone accidentally lost on the bus seat, organisers say there's no need to worry, to make a car back to the past must be found, the results catch up with, bus drivers wrapped in a plastic bag, closed up and come back soon.

Let's talk about traffic. Most of the city's going out is by bus. It is the charm of the English that the gentleman is not forced to be polite. Britain's only one bus front door, get on the car payment, prepaid phone or credit card, the driver will service for you in line order, thanks to every passenger, until all seated before he set out, met to top-up everybody else have to wait. The bus and the platform are almost seamless, and for the disabled, the driver has to put the wheelchair onto the car, where there is a special wheelchair. Old people do not need to give up their seats, because old people in England think that young people are very hard, and the young people give their seats to the old people and make him feel that you despise him. The car is very stable, there are few people talking in the car, there is no problem with reading, I do not know because the British network is not developed or because of the high quality, there are many people on the bus who read books. The passenger who got off was to say thank you to the driver.

Talk aboutpassingthe road. Pedestrians crossing the road in the UK can be manipulated by the side of the road traffic lights, stay green rear can pass, if pedestrians running red lights cause traffic accident is to bear serious consequences, may have to compensate the loss of motor vehicle, I think our traffic laws can be reference for this, at least xi an implementation of the car to let a person can be for reference.

Britain is a serious country, so our E payment is not going to work here. It is said that the tax refund can be paid back to alipay, but in the end, it can only be paid back in cash, and each charge will be charged 20% of the service fee. It is also partly hindering Chinese consumption in the UK.

Another disadvantage is that many local shops in the UK are closed after 6 p.m., and many shops are closed on Sundays and should go to church on Sunday. A lot of Chinese people open shop here is different, and in the domestic same day open to very late. The British shopkeepers admired and wondered how Chinese businessmen, through their hard work, not only gained a foothold in the region, but also earned considerable wealth. It is a wonder that they have no leisure, no vacations, no faith, that people can not see their hard work, that they are for their children, and that their children will grow up and repeat such busyness.

4enhance international vision, and cast China's feelings.

To go abroad, we can look at our country from a higher and higher perspective, and look at the people, things and things of our country.

The activities of the project are enriched. For half a month, took part in the language course learning, both teachers and students in the British families of accommodation well practiced oral English, learning the skills and experience of the application for study abroad, discusses the innovative entrepreneurial learning, visited the creative industrial park of trinity college, Cambridge university, a visit to the king's college, Cambridge university, school of architecture, in the river on a boat on the ground ponder the xu zhimo "on leaving Cambridge", visiting Ely cathedral appreciate the choiceness of western-style buildings with thick, visited the British museum, the ashmolean museum, Shakespeare memorial museum and the imperial war museum, listening to the sound of many cultural relics.

"In businesssay business", as education workers, the first concern is education in the UK. As far as education is concerned, the UK is increasingly demanding from primary school to university. English learning can't be skipped. On the second day of class, a girl had a stomachache and asked for leave to rest at home. The English teacher was very angry and thought our management was lax. Even the landlord told her to get out of bed and take a breath of fresh air before going to class. In English teachers, you are either in the classroom or in the hospital during class, and there is no third place to stay. That means you have to take a leave of absence, or you will be absent.

At the school of architecture, we listened to Dr. Yang zongyin's course on applying for English study abroad. To learn that a master's degree in the UK requires only three to four years of doctoral study in one year, it is recommended that undergraduates be eligible to apply for master's degree. Maybe most of us are worried about two things, one is money and the other is language. The problem with money is that ordinary working class can afford it, because you can apply for a scholarship, and the family can afford 300,000 RMB every year. In the UK, you can take the ielts test first and then take the exam again, so you don't have to give up your application to study in the UK because you didn't learn English well.

The UK university education also attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship. I consulted professor Patrick on this point. There are four aspects to the innovation and entrepreneurship of education in the university of Cambridge: one is the cultural influence, the university of Cambridge has a very good entrepreneurial culture, and there are hundreds of billions of pounds of school production itself. The second is to provide funding and startup education support for young people with entrepreneurial ideas. Third, the school organizes the enterprise hospital, provides free diagnosis for the problem enterprise, provides the solution to the problem. Fourth, the innovation and entrepreneurship competition will be held, and the winning works will be supported by heavy gold, and the innovation of the students will be provided with financial support and transfer of patents.

On British politics education. Many people say that there is no such thing as ideological and political education, which I cannot agree with, not that it is not the same as we are. Ely cathedral of anti-war handicraft, world war ii memorial near the houses of parliament, near the river Thames hero sculpture, painting art museum, the campus, the imperial war museum within the cathedral, etc are saturated with the ideology of the country. The Cambridge classes will use the priests to tell the bible stories, but they never refer to them as the history of aggression and the history of blood and tears in other countries during the invasion. The museum that fills the cultural relics of other countries is said to contribute to the civilization of the whole mankind.

If the above said is international vision, then down to talk about two national feelings, one is the Taiwan issue, the second is the visiting one of the important goals of visiting the Cambridge xu zhimo wrote "on leaving Cambridge".

There are many teachers and students from different countries and regions in the language teaching studio. Some of them were from Taiwan, and when they first heard the Chinese speaking, they asked him where he came from. The Taiwanese will say they come from Taiwan. Then we changed the question and asked him if he had come from China and asked him where he came from. Once in the classroom, Taiwan compatriots said that they came from China, and we had a good communication and took a group photo.

Many of our members have given the publicity page of our school to compatriots in Taiwan. I think it is very good. A few foreign students will be sent to foreigners, and Taiwan's younger generation may be asked.

In the event, we took a group photo with the Jordanian, Italian and French people in the Middle East, and they heard that we are very happy to be Chinese and have proved our country's international status.

In king's college and universities, we found the inscription engraved with xu zhimo poem, where did you see mentioned in the poem, Cambridge, riverside, the setting sun jian river, seaweed, rainbow in the sky, the boat, long pole, see only the silence of the summer insects, where repeatedly singing "I walked lightly, just as I come lightly... I wave my sleeves and not take away a wisp of cloud, "I read the sad story behind the poem. The beautiful scenery is not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough. The poet has lived, and the verse has been left to China, and to the world. That's the power of culture.

As a Chinese, we can't be arrogant or arrogant. China is already in the lead in many places, but we still have a lot to learn from other countries. China's comprehensive national strength and international status and influence have been is a world leader, high-speed rail, E payment, Shared cycling, online shopping make many foreigners, in Cambridge, I ride bike free sharing, went to visit the huawei located at trinity college creative industrial park development base, to feel the pride and proud as a Chinese. But we can't be stuck in the past, also want to clearly see the advantage of other countries, Britain is still constantly to create the world's first, the first bottle of penicillin, the first tube, the first radar, first computer, the first television set, the F.D.A. proposes that sheep clones not be used in the first column, the first test-tube baby, the flexible material was invented more than a decade ago...

5the activities are of great significance and hope for continuous improvement.

The significance of participating in the project is significant, and the completion of the project is relatively satisfactory. Both teachers and students feel full and fruitful. The participation of the activity made us practice spoken English, gained knowledge and increased our knowledge. Propagandized China, publicized shaanxiand our school. We concluded international friendshipwithoverseas Chinese,Middle East, Italy, Frenchstudentsstudy togetheralsothe solidarity and the compatriots from Hong Kong and Taiwan, enhance the emotion between teachers and students in the activity, in the learning of the students bought a chic New Year gift for relatives and friends. After the activity,our studentwen-jing gao, Xu Ye,ChenXiongxiongreceive handwritten letters of recommendationbytheformer British diplomat, Cambridge university professor Patrick's affirmation.

In a foreign country, teachers and students have different understandings and feelings about China and international affairs, and have cultivated international vision and Chinese feelings. Strengthened international comparison between teachers and students ability to identify, profoundly realize that activities of the students of national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride has been enhanced, recognize the country since the reform and opening, the strength of a country in all the way on the international, the impact of the people said to the enhanced four confidence at the same time, to the attitude of industry to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship and the knowledge of studying abroad will have a specific and far-reaching impact on the future study and work.

It is reported that the next phase of the activity arrangement has been basically completed, there will be a richer and higher level of activity content and the better Cambridge university professors and so on. I hope the project will be better and better, and I hope more and more teachers and students will benefit from it.